Kirlian Finger Scan w/Detailed Analysis
Service Description
Are you ready to see your energetic health in a new innovative way that provides data and allows you to make corrections before getting sick? Come experience a deeply insightful scan! This service can ONLY be in person and uses our Bio Well Device and will share important information about your energy field. We will discuss the results and listen to music curated to help you balance your energy. This service does not include Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Psychic or Mediumship Services. If you would like to do a brief scan (5min) with another service, please book the other service and not this one. This scan can be done with any other service and no additional charge is needed. We have a device that takes Kirlian Photography of your fingers showing the gas and electrical discharges. It is an express assessment of energetic acupuncture points and meridian lines. It is an extremely sensitive device for detecting chakras, organs, stress levels and energy flow throughout the body. Results are not good or bad but a proactive approach to your health using an ancient medical system Ayurveda. It is connected to the process of an illness's development: it connects the mind, energetic flow in the organs and the actual somatic illnesses. According to this principle the six stages of illness include: 1. Errors in the Mindset 2. Incorrect Lifestyle 3. Imbalanced Energy Flow to Organs 4. Accumulations of Residuals and Toxins 5. Body Symptoms 6. Acute Illness Needing Doctor Intervention It is important to note that due to the sensitivity of the machine jewelry, long nails, technology interference, menstrual cycles, eating or washing hands an hour before the scan, supplements/ medication or incorrect finger positioning or light on scan can create false results. It is not a medical diagnostic tool but shows raw visual data that can be explored by you and your doctor. This information can be used in a colloborative way to help you in your healing journey. We are not medically licensed personnel. You will receive a 20+ page emailed document highlighting your energy field. Your energy field can change quickly and small changes in your life can cause dramatic changes in your energy.
Cancellation Policy
In order to move your scheduled date or time you must contact Jorie Lynn 24 hours before the scheduled meeting.
Contact Details
3930 South Nova Road, Port Orange, FL, USA