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Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the Answers You Seek, In One Place


What are the different sessions and what are the Emotional Healing Modules?

These are the available session types. Sometimes multiple types of  sessions come into your scheduled time based on your needs. 


Connecting to Loved Ones: Reaching out to someone that has transitioned from life to physical death. 

Guidance/ Life Coaching: Wanting psychic guidance from your soul to help you know what to do to move forward. 

Reiki/ Spiritual Healing: Energy Balancing for a person or pet that affects emotional, physical and spiritual layers. See Reiki info below. 

Pet Connections: Connecting with living or passed pets. It may include behavior or health issues. 

Hospital, Hospice, Home Visits: Any service can be completed including House Blessings with this service link. 


 You can choose to be open to any messages or services. Spirit will share with you what will most benefit you at the time. Before we do the session and during the introduction, we will set the intention for the meeting at that time.  I'm excited you are here and taking actions to help yourself heal and grow. To fully create a well-rounded Emotional Healing Module experience, consider booking the 3 types of sessions. They will assist you in healing yourself along your spiritual journey and the sessions are titled- Guidance, Connecting with Loved Ones and Reiki. You can complete them in any order and it is suggested to separate them by 2-3 weeks so growth can happen between the meetings. 

What can I expect and how should I prepare from my session?

You will be sent a zoom link when you first book a session (check spam if needed) and need to log in 5 minutes before your scheduled time. Please ensure your device has the free Zoom app downloaded. You can check by clicking on the zoom link days before the meeting.  If you prefer to meet in person, please make sure you are booking IN PERSON sessions. Your session will include an introduction, a connection to your soul or loved one, and a time for questions. You can record or take notes during the session. Most meetings are held at Back2Balance in Port Orange. Bring your cup of coffee, relax, and we will chat together in a fun, positive dialogue.


 Prepare by consider inviting your loved ones to your meeting by talking to them aloud. You can spend time enjoying memories you shared or look at photos of them.  Be open to whatever messages and whoever comes through. Come happy and with a high vibration to create the best visit from your loved ones. This is a happy time to celebrate your reunion with them. For guidance sessions please think about your life and past and what you may need to get rid of in your life that is not serving you. Reiki sessions prepare by being in a meditative state to assist in the healing process. 


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

How do you communicate with them?

It is like a different language that involves pictures, feelings, words, stories, numbers, smells and is always full of so much love from the other side. They use ideas and when I say them it connects with clients. Be open to hearing the messages from above as all of us have some level of intuition or ability. Some clients can hear or feel messages during our session. Try to be as open as you can and stay on your imaginative side of your brain. 

What is life coaching?

I am a certified life coach and can help you start to move forward in your life in a productive way. I do personal and professional coaching as I was a leader of 80 employees and worked in a fast paced, high pressure job in my past. We work by meeting monthly to set goals, understand your thinking and roadblocks, and help you reach success. It involves you being an active participant and having a strong desire to improve. It will involve homework and tough conversations. Packages are bought in 8 session units. Email for more information. 

Do you tell future potentials?

Yes, psychics can see future potentials, however you have free will and can change things in your future by the choices you make today. Each week your future potentials may change as how you look at life changes. During your reading you may receive future information but many times you must stay on your current path to have those things happen. You have power and free will over your own life and nobody can tell you for sure what will take place. The good news is that you can change your path by thinking positively and making better choices. Other people also have free will and can make their choices which can affect you as well.

Can you do readings over the phone or Zoom?

Yes, spirit is always working and I can do readings on the phone, with zoom or in person. Other countries and languages also work well. Being in your own home and space with no distractions really helps some people relax. We can connect via zoom on your phone and you can meet from your car, on your lunch break or outside in your special place.

Can I get a reading right after my loved one passes and can you guarantee to bring through the loved one I want to talk to?

It is better to wait until you have some time to grieve as you may still be quite emotional and not quite ready to hear the messages that may come through. When you are feeling a bit more centered and accepting of who may come through it is a good time. It also allows them to settle into thier new surroundings. There is no guarentee who will come through in your session. There are many reasons why a certain loved one may not come through at a certain time, however many times the person you want to connect with does communicate with us. You can choose to say the name of who you are wanting to connect with during our session or just be open to anyone.

Are my readings confidential and can I book sessions about other people?

Your privacy is of utmost importance and nothing will be shared about you attending a session or what was discussed in the session. I do not like gossip and do not want to know negative information about other people. I am ethically not able to link into others that have not consented to having a service completed on them. People must agree to work with me=) You can plant a seed by asking your loved one to book with me when they are ready. 

How old do I need to be or can there be more than one person at the reading?

You must be 18 to receive a reading unless a parent approves and attends a meeting. If you are the only person at the session, you will receive 100% of the information. If other people are there, there may be messages that come through stronger than your messages. We can meet with up to three people and can meet virtually on the same link. ​

How often can I schedule a session?

 It depends on the type of session. Reiki Sessions can be scheduled monthly or weekly depending on your healing needs.  It can be very healing to schedule yourself a series of 2-3 mediumship sessions or once a year as a checkup. We can address whatever needs to be healed at that time. Life or professional coaching is usually scheduled monthly and can last for a year. It is important that you continue living your life and don't become dependent on having meetings with your deceased people and pets. They love you so much and want to see you thrive! 

Can I buy a gift card or leave a tip or donation?

Yes, you can buy a gift card. It is important that they would be interested in having the reading as ethically forcing them into something would not be beneficial for them. If you purchase a card and they are not interested you can use the funds for your own reading. If you would like to leave a donation for others to receive free readings or want to tip you can use the tab on the website or leave cash. It is not required or expected. 

What if I need a time not offered on the calendar, need to come sooner, or I can't afford a reading? Do you offer free healing?

You can submit your name for a chance to win a free reading at the link below.  I usually work Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, Thursday evenings and Saturdays throughout the month. You may need to look further in the calendar to see more open dates. You can also email me at and I will see how to help you. Links below are for first available lists, monthly readings, and free healing list. 


First Available/ Waiting List

​Monthly Raffle/ Free Session Winner

Free Prayer/Healing List 

What about suicide?

If your loved one died by completing suicide, they can still come through a medium. Love never dies!  If you are struggling and need support for yourself, please use the number below. I offer compassion to souls as they come through and treat them respectfully. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Hours: Available 24 hours 


Can anyone do this type of work or be a medium and are all mediums the same?

Yes, we were all born with some ability to connect to our Creator and other energies, although some people appear to connect easier or with more accuracy. People with open minds may start to notice your passed loved ones without the use of a medium. Your loved ones may share a sign with you, numbers, insects/animals, or you may feel their presence or fragrance in the room. Mediums all have different styles and personalities and bring through different evidence. You should find a medium that resonates with your thinking and that you trust to help you communicate with your loved ones. If you have had a negative experience with one, don't let that deter you from finding the person that can help you connect with your dear loved ones. I hope I can be that person for you!


"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone. it is the same God at work.  Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines."  Section from 1 Cor. 12


What are Chakras and Kirlian Photography?

Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. We focus on seven of the energy centers during a Reiki session (Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Stomach/Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root). If your chakras are aligned you feel balanced and complete in your emotional, physical and spiritual planes.  


We have a device that takes Kirlian Photography of your fingers showing the gas and electrical discharges. It is an express assessment of energetic acupuncture points and meridian lines. It is an extremely sensitive device for detecting chakras, organs, stress levels and energy flow throughout the body. Results are not good or bad but a proactive approach to your health using an ancient medical system Ayurveda. It is connected to the process of an illness's development: it connects the mind, energetic flow in the organs and the actual somatic illnesses. According to this principle the six stages of illness include: 1. Errors in the Mindset  2. Incorrect Lifestyle  3. Imbalanced Energy Flow to Organs  4. Accumulations of Residuals and Toxins  5. Body Symptoms  6. Acute Illness Needing Doctor Intervention 


It is important to note that due to the sensitivity of the machine jewelry, long nails, technology interference, menstrual cycles, eating or washing hands an hour before the scan, supplements/ medication or incorrect finger positioning or light on scan can create false results. It is not a medical diagnostic tool but shows raw visual data that can be explored by you and your doctor. We are not medically licensed personnel and use the machine mostly for chakra information although a large amount of other data is shown through the device. Small changes in mindset, diet, exercise, and cleanses can change the data within a few days or a week.  

What is Reiki Energy Clearing and Spiriutal Healing?

The session has 3 parts, first finding out about you and your struggles, then a quiet relaxing meditation and reiki energy clearing for each of your chakras, then lastly a post meeting to share findings and guidance forward. In distance readings, choose a couch or bed near a computer, tablet or phone.  In person you won't receive a massage but a laying of hands to assist the energy to flow throughout your body. Some people experience visions, see colors, tingle, or feel heat during the session. Most people feel peace upon completion and should drink plenty of water and get a full night's rest. Many times, multiple sessions may be needed to gain the full effect depending on your unique needs.


Reiki and Spiritual Healing can be done with a pet or person in person or online.  Reiki was developed in the 1900s by Mikao Usui and has been shown to be effective through researchers for resolving emotional distress by allowing healing energy to flow freely throughout the body which results in relaxation, reduced pain and tension throughout the body. It releases stress and anxiety and unlocks your body's natural ability to heal yourself. It is used in some hospitals and hospice centers. Benefits could include fostering tissue and bone healing, relieve pain and tension, cancer, digestive problems, Parkinson’s disease, stress- related illness, infertility, support traditional medical treatments including chemo, radiation, surgery, and dialysis. Healing can take place through distance and in person is not necessary. Reiki should not be used as a substitute for the consultation and treatment of a physician or psychotherapist. All results are not guaranteed as each person's body responds differently to treatment. Reiki can also be done for pets. For more information see the Cleveland Clinic online. Spiritual Healing is being a conduit the healing energy from the divine universal power from above and allows it to clear and heal your body. Both energies are used for maximum impact in your healing journey.  Many times clients have imbalances in the emotional plane which are causing physical issues. When we clear the emotional level, the physical body can respond to that change in a positive way.  


Reiki generally creates peaceful and happy experiences after a session, but sometimes people do experience healing reactions as the body detoxifies itself which could include headache, fatigue, emotional upset, or nausea. It also is an indication more Reiki is needed. Should a reaction occur get lots of water and rest and be kind to yourself as it will dissipate over time. I became interested and trained/ certified with Spiritual Healing and Reiki after being ill myself. After being ill, I needed to understand how to utilize the power from above to heal myself. I used a combination of Reiki, Spiritual Healing, crystal singing bowls, essential oils and meditations to clear my blockages and assist in the healing process. I am here to serve you as a Master Reiki Practitioner and my goal is for you to live the healthiest and happiest life you can! Let me help you in your healing journey.

Why do you do this work?

It is important for others to know that souls exist beyond this life. Your loved ones are still here, and they want you to do well in this life. I do these messages to help you heal and experience love again with your family and friends. Knowing we have not lost our loved ones changes perspectives and helps you realize they still know what you are doing and love you. I have gone through many difficult situations in my life and have made both good and bad decisions. I am not here to judge you but support you through the process of healing.   I went through multiple health issues in my past and have a strong desire to see you in the best physical, mental and emotional place possible. I am humbled to do this work and realize it is not about me or any ability I have..... it is about being called from above into this service. 


What are the Terms and Conditions?

Cancellation Policy:  By booking an appointment or purchasing a reading you agree that you have read, understood, and agree to all policies including but not limited to booking description, refund policy, cancellation policy, connection policy, and legal disclaimer. By booking an appointment you understand that payment has been rendered to hold a specific time slot. An appointment may be rescheduled for no additional charge, with at least 24 hours notice. A cancellation fee will be charged for no show/missed appointments.

Connection Policy:  In a 30 minute or longer Mediumship private session, if I am unable to make a successful connection (a successful connection is defined as 1 validation regarding anything in your life or the life of a loved one here or departed) within the first 15 minutes, I will reschedule or refund at no charge. By continuing the connection past 15 minutes, it is mutually agreed upon that a connection has been made and services have been rendered as described.  No refunds are applicable for any service (appointment, reading, email, live, and/or donation) except due to a connection issue. 


Spiritual Healing/Reiki Energy Healing Waiver Form

 In receiving Reiki/ Spiritual Healing from Jorie Lynn, I understand that no guarantees have been made to me as to the effect of such services.  I understand and acknowledge that in no way are these services to be construed by me as the diagnosis or treatment of disease or mental health counseling but rather as an aid to balancing my energy and to possibly improving my general physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I understand that Spiritual and Energy Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment, medications or mental health counseling and it is recommended that I concurrently work with a qualified health care professional for any condition I may have. I understand that I may experience improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.  I understand the practitioner is not a message therapist and agree to remain fully clothed. I understand she is an ordained minister and uses laying of hands for energy flow. She may offer suggestions, but you choose what resonates with you and what aligns with your current doctor and medical care.  I understand and accept the inherent risks of being in close physical proximity and touch; and may request to receive healing treatment at a distance that meets my comfort level. If I experience any discomfort during the session, I will immediately communicate that to the practitioner so the treatment can be adjusted. During the session the healing may feel warm or tingly. Sometimes healing reactions occur a day or so after the session that cause stomach discomfort, headaches, visions, and emotional outburst as your body releases built up energy and emotions. I release, waive, and indemnify Jorie Lynn, Natural Medium LLC, and Pink Lotus Healing including its employees for participating in this Spiritual/Energy Healing session. If you do not agree with the waiver, please contact me to cancel your session.


Required Legal Disclaimer: Since Earth has no legal regulations, practices, or guidelines for Spiritual work, Natural Medium LLC's legal disclaimer is as follows: All appointments, readings, healings, connections, and messages provided by Medium Jorie Lynn are for entertainment and emotional healing purposes and should not be perceived as personal or professional advice or professional practice of medicine in any capacity.  If you need assistance with your physical, mental, or emotional health, please contact your doctor. Please refer to a medical practitioner for health issues and seek legal or financial counsel if required. Only people over 18 years will be accepted unless a parent is present. Any healing, reading, or message from Medium Jorie Lynn is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient. By requesting or receiving a reading and/or scheduling an appointment, you understand and are agree that Medium Jorie Lynn is not a medical professional, attorney, accountant or other licensed professional, and cannot give trained medical, legal, or tax advice. Any advice given by Medium Jorie Lynn is not to be used by you in place of any medical, legal, tax or financial advice or diagnosis from qualified and licensed professionals in those fields. Readings are intended to offer insight into your personal life and do not in any way constitute medical, legal, tax or financial advice. Natural Medium LLC will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this website or as a result of any reading or appointment with Medium Jorie Lynn, or any persons or events related thereto, and/or any actions or decisions that you may make as a result, including without limitation, actual, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from any claims resulting from any act or omission, negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or otherwise, including without limitation, personal injury, death, loss of income, stress (emotional or otherwise), errors or omissions, or otherwise. I agree, except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless Medium Jorie Lynn from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s). By booking a connection you agree to the Terms & Conditions.


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